Copyright and Terms of Use

The Campaign for Children’s Health Care is a nonprofit, non-partisan coalition dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health coverage for all children. In furtherance of its mission, the campaign will produce written materials for policy makers, the media, the health care community, and the general public. Proper attribution is appreciated. Web site references ( are encouraged.

Linking to

The Campaign for Children’s Health Care encourages nonprofit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, and other organizations to link to our Web site. The URL for the home page is: You are welcome to link to the home page or any other page(s) on Please note that you may link to the campaign’s Web site without permission or charge.

Copyright/Reprint Information

Materials produced for the campaign may be photocopied for classroom or conference use without prior permission. However, we would appreciate being notified of such use. Send an e-mail saying which item is being copied and how it will be used to.

Nonprofit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, and other organizations are encouraged to reprint Campaign for Children’s Health Care information with proper attribution. We grant reprinting permission free of charge. In return, we request that a copy of the publication, or the specific page (e.g., in a book) in which Campaign for Children’s Health Care information has been printed, along with the name and date of the publication, be sent to us at:

Campaign for Children’s Health Care
P.O. Box 34143
Washington, DC 20043
Phone: 202-879-0299
Fax: 202-347-2417

The campaign’s coalition members may also produce materials that are not specifically for the campaign itself. These materials may be posted on the campaign’s Web site. To obtain reprint permission for those materials, interested parties should contact the appropriate member organization(s) directly.

Finally, please note that the Campaign for Children’s Health Care Web site contains materials published by other organizations that are not coalition members. Inquiries, permissions, and reprint requests for such materials should be directed to the appropriate author or publisher. The permissions above apply only to Campaign for Children’s Health Care materials.

Please keep in mind that all original Campaign for Children’s Health content is copyrighted material. Content cannot be modified.For permission to reprint campaign information for commercial purposes, please contact us.